The workshop numerIcal aNalysis, porous media and waTer ResoUrceS: a fruItful cOntamiNation will take place on July 3-5 2023 in Bari, Italy.
Important update: due to technical problems the talks on 5 July will be held in room 2 of the Politecnico di Bari. Please check your email for more details about the new location.
About the conference
Reliable models for forecasting and managing water resources in an ecological transition framework ask for accurate and robust numerical methods for dealing with critical zone modeling. To this purpose, this workshop aims at bridging the gap among lexicon and contents of geosciences, hydrology, soil science, ecology, applied mathematics and numerical analysis, trying to trigger novel mathematical modeling approaches and numerical methods in these frameworks: for instance, multiphysics coupling, nonlocal models and methods, control techniques, polytopal element methods, happening over different dimensions, e.g., either through interfaces or in the bulk. We encourage the presentations of applications related to water resources management, poromechanics, contaminant and multiphase flow, with the idea of fostering interconnections between mathematical and numerical novelties and hydrological and environmental model applications. The workshop makes part of the activities of IMACS technical committee Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Porous Media in Subsurface Environments.
There will be the possibility for PhD students and young researchers to present their work.
Important dates
- Abstract submission: May 25th
- Early bird registration fee: May 28th
The scientific event will be hosted at Campus Universitario Ernesto Quagliariello, Via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy:
- Aula Magna Domus Sapientiae Dipartimento ArCoD Politecnico di Bari (3,4 July)
- Aula VIII Dipartimento di Matematica Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” (5 July)
Social events:
- Social tour in Bari vecchia, Tuesday 4 July at 17:00
- Social dinner at “Al Sorso Preferito“, Tuesday 4 July at 20:00
Invited speakers
- Giorgio Cassiani Università degli Studi di Padova
- Vincenzo Casulli Università di Trento
- Salvatore Cuomo Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Vittorio Di Federico Università di Bologna
- Nicodemo Di Pasquale Brunel University London
- Matthew Farthing U.S. Army ERDC
- Massimiliano Ferronato Università degli Studi Padova
- Alessio Fumagalli Politecnico di Milano
- Costantino Masciopinto CNR Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque
- Ilario Mazzieri Politecnico di Milano
- Sorin Pop Hasselt University
- Amilcare M. Porporato Princeton University
- Florin A. Radu University of Bergen
- Monica Riva Politecnico di Milano
- Gerardo Severino Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
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